Nazmiye Acikgoz

Ph.D. Candidate

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering

Atlanta, Georgia

nazmiye [AT]

Research Interests

  • Thermodynamics, High temperature gas dynamics
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Adaptive finite element methods (FEM)
  • Unstructured meshing, Mesh adaptation/optimization
  • Aerodynamics, FSI, turbulence, shear flows



  • PhD. Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - December 2006 (expected graduation)
  • M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - 2003
  • M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey - 2001
  • B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey - 1998



  • N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A Unified Approach to the Deformation of Simplicial and Non-Simplicial Meshes in Two and Three Dimensions with Guaranteed Validity," Computers and Structures, Elsevier Science Ltd. 2006, (CAS-D-06-00097, to appear). []

  • N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "Metric-Driven Mesh Optimization Using a Local Simulated Annealing Algorithm," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2006, (NME-Jan-06-0033, to appear). []

  • N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A New Mesh Deformation Technique for Simplicial and Non-Simplicial Meshes," 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2006 [PDF]

  • N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A Local Simulated Annealing Strategy For Mesh Optimization," 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2006. [PDF]

  • N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "Metric Based Mesh Optimization Using Simulated Annealing," European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering; July 2004. [PDF]

  • N. Acikgoz, L. Sankar, "Unsteady Flow Predictions of Oscillating Airfoils,"10th International Workshop on Aeroelasticity of Rotorcraft Systems; November 2003. [PDF]

  • N. Acikgoz, "Application of Turbulence Models to Usteady Cascade Flows in a Parallel Environment 2001. [MS_Thesis]




Last updated: August 2006