Nazmiye Acikgoz
Ph.D. Candidate
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering
Atlanta, Georgia
nazmiye [AT]
Research Interests
- Thermodynamics, High temperature gas dynamics
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Adaptive finite element methods (FEM)
- Unstructured meshing, Mesh adaptation/optimization
- Aerodynamics, FSI, turbulence, shear flows
- PhD. Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - December 2006 (expected graduation)
- M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology - 2003
- M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey - 2001
- B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara/Turkey - 1998
N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A Unified Approach to the Deformation of Simplicial
and Non-Simplicial Meshes in Two and Three Dimensions with Guaranteed Validity," Computers and Structures,
Elsevier Science Ltd. 2006, (CAS-D-06-00097, to appear).
N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "Metric-Driven Mesh Optimization Using a Local Simulated Annealing Algorithm,"
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2006, (NME-Jan-06-0033, to appear).
N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A New Mesh Deformation Technique for Simplicial and Non-Simplicial Meshes,"
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2006
N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "A Local Simulated Annealing Strategy For Mesh Optimization,"
44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 2006.
N. Acikgoz, C.L. Bottasso, "Metric Based Mesh Optimization Using Simulated Annealing," European Congress on Computational
Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering; July 2004. [PDF]
N. Acikgoz, L. Sankar, "Unsteady Flow Predictions of Oscillating Airfoils,"10th International Workshop on
Aeroelasticity of Rotorcraft Systems; November 2003.
N. Acikgoz, "Application of Turbulence Models to Usteady Cascade Flows in a Parallel Environment 2001.